Digital Footprint
Footprints in the sand

cc flickr photo by LornaJane.net

As an educator who is passionate about technology, I believe that I have a responsibility to model digital learning and collaboration through the establishment of a Personal Web Presence.  In addition to my blog, you can connect with me through a variety of social networks and web 2.0 tools. The list is growing, so check back frequently.

Twitter – Without a doubt, the most powerful tool in my social media portfolio.  Twitter has allowed me to develop invaluable connections with other educators and establish a Personal Learning Network that challenges me on a daily basis.

Connected Principals – I am a contributing writer for the Connected Principals blog.  It is such an honor to be able to share ideas and interact with such a talented group of administrators who are committed to being difference makers in their schools and in the world of education.  If you are looking for blogs to follow, check out the bios on this site.

My spaces on Posterous and Tumblr – jd 24/7 – serve as creative outlets for my photographic efforts and my thoughts on a variety of topics that inspire me.  Note that these posts are not necessarly education related, but they provide additional means for me to pursue, and share, my passions.

Google+ – I am not as active on Google+ as I am on Twitter, but feel free to make a connection and make the case for this as a valuable social media network.

Flickr – a social media site where I share pictures.  Also a great place to explore Creative Commons (many of the pictures I feature on my blog are from Flickr).

Facebook – I primarily use Facebook for personal connections, however, I do post educational ideas that catch my attention, as well as things that inspire me.

Linked In – Although I am not extremely active on Linked In, I do maintain a profile.  Feel free to connect.


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Jeff Delp

Junior high principal by day, sports enthusiast, technology fanatic and jedi in my own mind. Striving to be a difference maker!