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Creativity, Education, Leadership, Teaching

Search for the Celebration Moments


cc flickr photo: by david_mt

Live with the wonder and hope of children.  ~ Palmer Chinchen

Answering e-mails, returning phone calls, and attending meetings.  Classroom observations, discipline referrals, lunch duty, and athletic events.  Time passes quickly.  Rarely a dull day.  Therein lies the danger–becoming so busy that we fail to do our job.  Education is not about e-mails, discipline or athletics…it is about the students.

This past Sunday, I was struck by a statement made by our pastor.  Every day is full of celebration moments.  Seems simple enough, but is that how we generally approach our daily activities?  With a focus–not solely on what we need to accomplish–but on finding things to celebrate?  In this regard, we could probably learn a few things from our students.  Children rarely find a shortage of things to celebrate.  It is relatively easy for me to write a reflective post on this issue, because I am guilty of a less than stellar effort when it comes to actively searching out the positives in my day to day life.  This is egregious, because I have a lot for which to be thankful.

Now consider for a moment…how much different would our schools be if every educator actively sought opportunities for celebration?  I’m not talking about pom pom waving, ear piercing, spirit assembly type celebrations.  I’m talking about noticing the little things, developing pride and self-confidence in our students, and encouraging colleagues.  Searching for the celebration moments.

Challenge: for a day (or a few days) carry a few notecards around in your pocket.  Each time you notice a “celebration moment”, jot it down.  Review your list.  How many of those things would you have noticed if you hadn’t been actively looking for them?  Be thankful.  Share!

About azjd

Junior high principal by day, aspiring difference maker, and Jedi in my own mind. Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly.


3 thoughts on “Search for the Celebration Moments

  1. Love your insights. Thank you for sharing this challenge.

    Posted by Palmer | April 19, 2011, 9:20 am
  2. I agree, celebrations are so important when we are digging so deep in the work we do! Each staff mtg. we have, we begin with celebrations. Staff members share out their feelings from personal life situations to things that happen in classrooms. It not only draws our attention to the positives, it creates a culture of caring and community that is unmatched. My staff has become a close-knit group over the years and this is one of the pieces to keep them growing together!

    Posted by Kim Nelson | April 19, 2011, 7:20 pm


  1. Pingback: Providing Hope for the Hopeless? « Molehills out of Mountains - April 24, 2011

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Jeff Delp

Junior high principal by day, sports enthusiast, technology fanatic and jedi in my own mind. Striving to be a difference maker!