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Administration, Education, Leadership, Teaching

This Week’s Challenge: Ideas into Action

“Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.” ~ George Shinn

Ever feel a little overwhelmed with the amount of information, ideas, and suggestions that you gather from members of your Personal Learning Network on Twitter, or elsewhere? I often find myself piling up ideas, squirreling them away for use when I have time to implement them, or when the right opportunity presents itself. All too often I am guilty of retweeting great ideas, but failing to apply them in my daily practice.

My personal challenge for the week: put at least one idea I have picked up from my PLN into action. No more procrastination, or perpetually storing up ideas until the “right time.” This week, I am going to work on taking at least one concept that I found inspiring and incorporate it at my school. It may not be earth-shattering, it may not work the way I think it will, but this week I am not going to cling to the status quo.

As I was writing this post, Eric Sheninger (@NMHS_Principal) sent out this link via Twitter: Talk is Cheap. I would encourage you to read the article, and view the linked video. At some point, we have to put ideas into action in order to affect change.

This week, take something you have picked up through professional development, through interactions with other educators, or through your Twitter feeds and put it into practice. Feel free to comment, or share your efforts at change this week. Good luck!

About azjd

Junior high principal by day, aspiring difference maker, and Jedi in my own mind. Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly.


2 thoughts on “This Week’s Challenge: Ideas into Action

  1. I enjoyed reading your post on change. I am on the early side of my teaching career and I often have this feeling. There are so many new and incredible ideas out there, its so easy to get lost and just continue with what you know. I feel better knowing that even experienced administrators deal with this and I love the idea of setting a weekly goal to implement something new and see how it goes. Thank you!

    Posted by Little miss sunshine | November 29, 2010, 4:56 pm
  2. This sentence got to me:
    “All too often I am guilty of retweeting great ideas, but failing to apply them in my daily practice.”
    Thanks for the little reminder that what really matters are the actions that we take. My little mantra that I take from the Zoroastrians is,
    Think good thoughts,
    Say good words,
    Do good deeds.
    It is the deeds that makes this a complete idea!

    Posted by David Truss | December 12, 2010, 1:33 am

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Jeff Delp

Junior high principal by day, sports enthusiast, technology fanatic and jedi in my own mind. Striving to be a difference maker!